Change Your Entire Life in Five Easy Steps


For so long I thought that life was a struggle. And it was. 

But the incredible thing is, when you realise that everything you believe becomes your reality, and whatever is in your reality is in fact a self-fulfilling prophecy created by your beliefs, then the entire matrix starts to crumble and you realise a shocking truth;

If I can change my beliefs, I can change my entire reality.

What opens up when you open up to the simple fact that it is actually your Beliefs, Perceptions and Frequency which are creating your reality is, 

  1. that absolutely anything, including your worst fears and your highest, most fantastic, beautiful, wonderful potential, are all entirely POSSIBLE. And,
  2. that YOU are in the drivers seat (having total control with practice) which is deciding everything you observe, experience and receive, aka your REALITY. 

So the easy question which immediately follows this realisation is;

“If I am really what is driving my reality, and I am powerful enough to direct energy to create whatever it is that my heart desires most, then: What is it that really truly deeply care about? What do I want?”

Sadly this is a question that many of us do not take seriously (or seriously enough). 

C’mon people! You can have absolutely anything you want and that doesn’t energise you? Doesn’t that fill you up with the true excitement of the energy of LIFE ITSELF and make you want to jump for joy, fathoming up new wonderful, blissful and abundant happiness in all areas of your life so that it overflows to everyone around you?

(I’m hoping for some of you yes it does but) If not, then why not?

And here is where the ‘shadow’ aspect of manifesting/creating anything actually kicks in.

First there is the collective energies, much of which we take on unconsciously and the rest we accept as immovable fact because it’s been replicated in our own experience. 

Now we know, thanks to examples like Roger Bannister – the first person break the afore held belief that the human body cannot run a mile in under 4 minutes, just because something hasn’t been done before (or at least in recorded history hasn’t been publicised), does NOT in any way mean it cannot be done.

Interestingly, even though the four-minute barrier had stood for decades, 46 days after Bannister broke the record, someone else did too. And a year later 3 more people had achieved what had eluded others for as long as recorded history.

Not only that but the circumstances under which the record was broken defied the confident predictions of the best minds in sport.

However, if you do not BELIEVE that something can be done by you, there is little chance of it every happening in your life.

I hear you saying:

Sophie, I have all these ideas of what I would really like, but I don’t believe any of it is possible for me, so what would be the point of wasting energy on it?

Well dear one, I’ve got you. 

First, it’s important to know that beliefs are not permanent.

You can believe one thing one minute, and have your entire world shaken in an instant.

You can be unconscious of a belief you’ve been holding one minute, and take full sovereign responsibility for it in the next.

You can DECIDE what it is that would create the highest and best experience for you, and CHOOSE to believe it is possible, thereby creating that reality. 

I still find this insanely mind-blowing and simultaneously the happiest thought ever to exist!

Here’s how to work out what beliefs you have which are no longer serving you, and how to change your life in the process: 

  1. Look at the different areas of your life, and write down any/all areas which are not as you want them to be. (a full list of areas you can dive into are down below)
  2. One by one go through each area you’ve noted down and ask yourself “For this to be my reality, what do I have to believe”. For example if I’ve never earned over $X, what would I have to believe: That it is not possible for me to earn more than $X. Or, if I am consistently in relationships where I feel taken advantage of, what would I have to believe for this to be true: That I cannot be in a relationship without being taken advantage of.
  3. Take this an additional step further and ask, but why? (My 3yo is famous for doing this and really helps to uncover some truths!). Why do I believe this. Why would I not be capable. Is it because I don’t feel worthy of more/better? (Hint: it usually is).
  4. Finally, taking each of these areas of your life you’re unhappy with and the beliefs you’ve uncovered, write down a NEW belief which supports the reality you DO want to have. For example “I am fully capable and worthy of earning $X. Money flows endlessly and easily to me. The universe finds new was to pay me every day.” or “I deserve a supportive and generous partner. I have friends who love and want the best for me without needing anything in return.” You will notice the magic statement you come up with, is generally just the opposing belief to the unhelpful one you already have. 
  5. Then go ahead and program yourself with the new belief through writing it repeatedly, putting it up and reading it repeatedly, recording your voice saying it and playing it back or making a subliminal. (there are many ways you can program your beliefs and rewire your subconscious mind to serve you in the process!)


Some of the different areas you might want to delve into and explore over time include;

Career and business






Physical Strength

Emotional wellbeing

Personal Growth/development

Mental health



Spiritual growth


Intellectual growth







This journaling exercise might take some time and practise to get the hang of, but if everything you want is on the other side of it (and I can promise you that it is!) then it will surely be worth it.  

To your infinite nature and your infinite success.

Much love, Sophie Dawn. xx

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