Transform Your Inner and Outer Worlds Through the Power of Thoughts


Emotions are created by the thoughts that we have, but what many coaches and teachers won’t tell you (because they may not be aware) is that not all of these thoughts are conscious.

For a lot of us, emotions come up frequently that cause us pain and suffering. The good news is that as conscious beings, we have the power to change this, which is powerful for changing our moods, actions and also our external worlds. 

Furthermore, just because a thought is conscious, doesn’t always mean it is in our ‘awareness’.. 

We can consciously think “I’m so clumsy” several times per day, without bringing it into our awareness. Bringing a thought into our conscious awareness involves first noticing it, and then addressing it.

Becoming aware of our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, is the basis of the practice called Mindfulness. Transforming conscious and unconscious thoughts is call Manifestation

Our subconscious thoughts are ALWAYS going on in the background, however we cannot usually ‘hear’ these. Even without our awareness, these thoughts will still manifest in our reality as behaviours, experiences and situations which we feel happen to us and incorrectly believe are outside of our control.

The mind-blowing and exciting news is that we CAN access and alter unconscious/subconscious thoughts too. 

(This is the basis of the powerful techniques of manifestation and ‘shadow-work’ which brought together can completely transform your life!).

When thoughts are churning in our minds, they come endlessly – often relentlessly, – and require our active participation to slow down and be present. 

A passing thought while doing the dishes for example can result in 10 or even 30 minutes of visualising our worries or ruminating on something that happened in the past. Depending on the topic, these thoughts can vastly alter our mood negatively or positively. 

TIP: Awareness of the thoughts you are having throughout the day is the first step to working out if they are helping or hindering you, aka ‘bringing you down’.

Once we become aware of our thoughts, we can DECIDE if they are wanted or not. The incredible thing about thoughts, both unconscious/subconscious, and conscious (known and in our awareness) is we can choose which serve us and which don’t and be active participants or creators of our human experience.

Note: If you’re having unconscious thoughts and thought patterns come up without warning, as a general rule they will be UNhelpful. The reason for this is the sub-conscious mind is designed to keep us safe. It therefore feeds us information about things of concern around safety e.g. negative relationship situations, troubles at work, self-esteem ideations etc. 

So the first step is to become AWARE of your thoughts. 

Once you are aware of a negative or unwanted conscious thought, we can decide to ‘keep’ or ‘throw out’ each thought. When we decide to discard or remove a thought e.g. “I’m so clumsy” we need to immediately replace it with a helpful thought that will serve us instead.

By repeating these steps, we can create a practice of rewiring our subconscious mind using our conscious thoughts to improve our lives in all areas.

A quick recap of the important steps to transform your inner and outer world through the power of thoughts:

  1. Be mindful of the thoughts you are having
  2. Choose to Keep or Throw Out each thought
  3. Transform or Change your thinking with a positive statement
  4. Repeat this practice and keep using the statement until it becomes ‘unconscious’ aka completely accepted by the mind.

Using this simple practice you will be able to improve your mood, energy, habits and reality!

To your infinite power as a creator of your own reality.

Much love, Sophie Dawn. xx

PS – If you’re interested in learning about manifesting and using the power of your mind to transform your life, I think you’ll love our weekly newsletter! Sign up here.

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