Heal and Harmonise with Earth Energy


Heal and Harmonise with the Limitless Energy of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth gives us all that we need.

The earth is our home. It is also an infinite source of life energy. 

Mother nature has ben revered throughout time as a life support, nurturer, and even worshipped as a goddess. 

Monks from various traditions are said to have lived without food and sometimes water for months or even years at a time, through meditation, by drawing body nourishment and energy directly from nature and the environment, in a process called “Inedia”.

‘’Gaia’ (from Ancient Greek) meaning ‘land’ or ‘earth’ is the goddess or personification of the Earth. 

Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life.

Mother Earth has endless energy to give us. 

You can take everything that you need in the form of energy by connecting with the earth.

Gaia has infinite love and support for all of life’s creations. You cannot take too much from the mother as she is an endless pool of wisdom, power, and clean energy, (despite what may be happening above her surface).

Our mama will never stop giving to us. You can fill yourself to overflowing from this well of health and wellbeing. There is no concern of lack or conditional giving. The supply is endless, and as a conscious being, you are gifted with the ability to tap into it (keep reading for the step-by-step process to do this).

There are many universal laws in place which ensure that all energies are always in balance.

 The Law of Harmony states: Everything in the Universe is in harmony with itself, and everything is connected to itself. Or; everything is connected as one and always naturally returns to a state of complete balance and harmony.

“The Law of Balance – If gravity is the glue that holds the universe together, balance is the key that unlocks its secrets. Balance applies to our body, mind and emotions, to all levels of our being. It reminds us that anything we do, we can overdo or underdo. If the pendulum of our lives or habits swings too far to one side, it will inevitably swing to the other. You apply the Law of Balance by noticing your imbalances. The Law of Balance assures us that those who give freely, in the spirit of love and generosity, receive in abundance.” 

– from The 12 Laws of Spirit by Dan Millman


These laws confirm that, when you ‘take’ energy from the earth, there is no deficit, only abundance. 

There is a harmonising and balancing effect which benefits everybody, whereby if you utilise mother earth’s energy to clear and cleanse your body and auric field, however your vibration is improved, the entire collective vibration is lifted by your individual and unique increase in frequency. In other words – everything we do has a ripple effect on all human consciousness and life energies.

You just need to connect with her to accept all of the gifts that she has in store for you.

When you fall ill or are feeling out of sorts, stressed, emotional and low in energy, our mother earth is always there to lean on, count on and draw from.

The beautiful thing is you can access this supportive and healing energy source anytime you touch the ground with your bare feet or hands.

At one time in our human evolution, constant contact with the earth was a natural part of every day life. Walking, foraging, tending, resting was mostly with physical contact with the ground.

Today, shoes, concrete, rubber soles, synthetic blankets, and our robust and protective houses with their solid foundations and airtight windows, all block us from mother nature’s natural healing and balancing energy.

Everything in our reality has a frequency (one that can be scientifically measured).

PlantWave even created devices which, using the frequency of a plant, can play a unique song through an electrical instrument! (Highly recommend checking this out)

Studies show that the human body reaches its ultimate potential for health and wellness when it synchronises and harmonises with the Earth’s frequency. The Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency is called the Schumann Resonance, which pulses at a rate of 7.83 hertz.

Staying in sync with the Earth’s natural frequency can positively affect physical and mental health and daily performance and promote overall well-being.

Researchers have linked the Schuman Resonance of 7.84 Hz to improved cognitive functions, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced immune function, sleep function, and many more positive outcomes.

When I was beginning my healing journey, my shaman mentioned that you can ‘borrow’ energy from plants in order to heal yourself. 

I’d like to introduce you to a powerful shamanic practice I was taught for physical healing, energy healing, and restoring your optimal frequency;

  • Begin by connecting your feet to the earth, and focus on the sensation of the bottoms of your feet touching the earth. 
  • Visualise your roots extending from the soles of your feet and all the way down, connecting you to the centre core of the planet. 
  • Allow any excessive energy/dense energy to flow down into the earth so she may support and balance you. 
  • Once all of the negatively-charged, dense energy is released (or after a set number of minutes), you can then visualise pure, clean, fully-charged energy entering your body through the soles of your feet, like a plant being fed and replenished by the earth.
  • Allow this energy to extend all the way through your crown chakra at the top of your head.
  • Advanced: direct this divine, pure, clear, peaceful, harmonising energy to extend all the way through the crown of your head, then upwards to the highest source of power you can imagine. You then become replenished by two sources simultaneously!

Note: If you are seated, keep your soles of your feet flat on the ground and perform the process the same way as if you were standing.


This free, simple practice of connection, visualisation and meditation can be very powerful for healing and energy clearing.

I hope you enjoy and benefit from it as much as I have!

To connecting to the highest vibration of health and your optimal wellbeing.

Much love and healing, 

Sophie Dawn xx


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