New Year Intentions Update


Hello loves

Towards the end of last year I took some time out from social media.. and it was so good! 

It was actually hard to come back because I’ve been feeling for a while like I need to shift the energy with this space (social media and social platforms in general).

Very often when we automatically jump onto social media, there’s so much distraction and so much comparison. So much beauty but also so much pain.. 

And that’s why this year I’ve created a telegram group (this one) in order to have a bit deeper, a lot less pressure, a bit simpler and a bit more flowy relationship with everyone, and it’s given me back the ability to connect more often.

So far it feels a lot more direct, a lot more personal, and a lot more contained. Bliss! 

A beautiful safe space online is so amazing to create, and I’m really excited to get into hanging out here every day (or as many days in a row as possible and then obviously taking breaks as needed, as we all need to do).

How are your 2024 New Year, new intentions going? 

I really feel like by this time of the month (24th Jan) a lot of people’s bodies are conditioning them back into the way that they were, and we find our intentions slipping a little bit. We fall out of that original groove, that momentum, that inspiration, that power that comes from a new intention begins to fade and we feel the inevitable-ness of returning to the ‘same’ way of being.

Intentions themselves are very powerful. They are the source of adaptation and change. Once you set an intention it is so powerful it has the ability to imprint and impress itself on the fabric of reality that we live in! That’s what we call the process of manifestation and transmutation. 

Our thoughts are quite literally transmuted into reality. Our intentions manifest into 3d reality.

So the intentions that you’ve set are very powerful, but they also require ongoing focus in order to continue, grow and manifest that vibration.

Without continued energy, thought and experience, the magnificence of the intention dissolves. 

We all know that we live in a energetic Universe, and from that point of view anything you focus energy on grows and expands, and anything that you ignore or neglect, dissipates and withers.

The intention on its own is an amazing first step towards your goals dreams and creating what it is that you desire, yet it requires ongoing focus, attention, repetition, and experience (action) 

So today I would like to draw your attention back to your original intention at the start of the year. Or perhaps if you haven’t set one yet, this is an amazing opportunity to do so!

If you’re reading this at a later date, remember we don’t only set intentions at the start of the year. You can set them each week, during a full or new moon, quarterly etc. You can literally set intentions any day or time of the year. The best time is always right now. 

Just to grab a journal and write down a few things that you’re going to commit to actually creating this year/week/month in your life, relationships, in your businesses, in your personal situations, homes, finances etc

I wish you so many blessings on this journey. 

I also wanted to share with you my intention for the year:

I like to choose a one word intention which is something that I can continue to come back to over and over again. It’s a bit like when you do a yoga class, and you might send an intention for that session, I’ve set an intention for this year. 

In 2024 my one word intention is Liberation. 

Liberation to me means uninhibitedness, and freedom. Freedom is another one of my words for the year but it comes through the process of liberation…

Liberating myself from fear, liberating myself from the past and liberating myself from anything that has been between me, and authentically being and doing what it is that I decide to be and do. 

I hope that that was some inspiration for you.

I hope that you’ve had a fantastic start to the year, and I’m so excited to reconnect.

Sending you so much love. Until next time, know you are a powerful creator who’s very intention sends ripples throughout the fabric of time and space.

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